Many of us have stories of being 'gender non-conforming' as a child .... including myself.

Luckily my parents found it funny when I was given both sparkly high heels and a cheap version of 'action man' when I won a fancy dress contest dressed as a male hero age 10-ish because they (the judges) couldnt work out if I was a boy or a girl. And my parents weren't even 'progressive' in any other way! Certainly not politically.

My parents and I never questioned that this was ok - that a girl could emulate a male hero or a female hero. That a boy could be as affectionate as a girl etc. That I could play football with my brothers' friends and that didn't mean anything regarding my future sexuality or 'gender identity'. We all knew I was a girl.

This was pre-Stonewall. Nowadays I dread to think what could have happened. Stonewall is such a regressive dangerous organisation and no-one voted for em to start influencing children. There is no evidence for their 'gender ideological' [anti-logical?] claims and no authority to do this - yet here we are.

Thanks for this Dennis - I think we need a campaign to our MP's in the name of free speech and representative democracy - whichever party, this harmful 'intellectual' nonsense has no basis on what we know about child development and no right to power AT ALL.

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Surely this goes beyond the charitable aims of Stonewall as lodged with the Commission. How about we bombard the Charity Commission with complaints? Please can we have a post to organise us on this.

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Good idea Danny, let me think about this one

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And Mermaids

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It's so horrifying to watch this evil being done in our name. For decades gay people had to fight against hate groups saying 'They're coming after your children!' and now here we are with these 'LGBTQ' groups literally coming after children. Disgusting. Every gay person who is silent is complicit.

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Yes. The best way to repudiate the slur of "going after the children" is not to go after the children.

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God, this makes any right -minded person absolutely enraged. How the hell do so few people not recognise what is actually going on? It's all in plain sight now. The child abuse going on in practically every child care organisation and the destruction of all safeguarding is incomprehensible to me.

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All knowledge of the developing human child is thrown out the window, because "trans." Just like everything we knew about violent rapists in prison had to be thrown out the wondow because "trans," just like all our collective knowledge of why women's spaces and sports exist. Just like the anthropologists are now hearing demads to forget everything they have learned about the human skeleton, because "trans." Genderism demands total abolition of everything we know and its replacement with a new set of knowldge, from a new class of saviors, that contradicts all the old boring Karen wine mom knowledge with new, rainbow-and-glitter knowledge gleaned from their weird masturbatory fantasies.

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The collateral damage is astounding isn't it?

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Back in the day, Gay men worked hard to eject PIE - Paedophile Information Exchange from all Gay movements. I fear the same again is needed to extracate Stonewall.

Here in Scotland we have probably the gayest parliament in the world and yet our MSP's are completely captured.

Dennis, why don't they see that they're contributing to the erasure of their younger selves and all those following in their footsteps?

Reckon Danny upthread is dead right, an organised campaign would be a massive help.

Great article!!!

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What a brilliant piece and sadly so apt. As a heterosexual, I find if I disagree with this new cult dogma I am indeed labelled as transphobic or homophobic. I have long thought what you have articulated so brilliantly here. We’ll done for being brave and making a stand. Sorry you have to fight again.

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Brilliant piece of writing, agree with every word. This has got to stop. I fear for my grandsons, my nieces, my nephews. Every time I see a little one, I worry.

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Thanks Dennis, I read this post by Stonewall with a sense of shock, so good to see you raising the alarm. Apart from building our capacity - Gay Men's Network, LGB Alliance - and working with and supporting, and being seen to support womens rights organisations, there is the coming process for the manifestos ahead of the General Election - place your bets now but either May 23 or May 24. Not much time.

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This seems calculated to create a backlash. I wonder what the strategy is?

Are they trying to create an actual war, so as to rally LGB folk back to the flag?

Or, is this an admission of political defeat and a switch to trolling in order to raise money from a small number of rich funders?

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An astute point, it's so obviously a disastrously silly thing to say you wonder if there's a deeper strategy at play - my sense is not - I think we are dealing with people here genuinely lost to cult-like thinking who no longer realise just how detached they are from basic safeguarding and common sense

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Perhaps and/or some interaction of groupthink, membership signalling, and purity spirals?

On reflection, there's another thing here that's perhaps more important that extends on your paragraph: "To homosexuals I say this. This could have been you...."

It's not just homosexuals.

The (mostly childless) RL people who quote this type of crap at me all grew up feeling like secret outsiders. Some are LBG, but others are kinky, neuro-divergent, gender-non-conforming and/or just sensitive.

The "trans kids" concept resonates with all of them because - and you can see it in their faces - it flashes them back to their own vulnerable childhood and confusing adolescence, and makes them imagine what it would have been like if *they* could have had just a little institutional validation and guidance.

Genderism doesn't just trans away the gay - as we can see in the stats on transitioning autistic kids - it also trans aways the misfit. Somehow we - and I suppose that mostly means, you (sorry) - need a way to address that without falling into any of the associated traps, e.g. that our culture is more comfortable with kids having a gender identity than a sexual orientation.

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Oh absolutely, the surge in autistic and looked after kids is well document, it's by no means just kids who grow up to be homosexual, I just address my remarks particularly to fellow homosexuals as it's my people.

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That makes sense, actually. You do, however, remain a really good source of inspiration for those of us outside your particular lane... :)

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Ah that's very kind, thank you

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Thank you for your courage and eloquence.

As a straight guy, I remember being confused at the existence of gays and lesbians in my late childhood and early adolescence. Those were the times, it was a small town, and derogatory remarks about them were commonplace. Thankfully, my parents did not participate in this and did not encourage me in repeating those slurs. So I could learn that things were not the way most of my environment led me to believe.

Can't imagine what it must have been for a gay or lesbian teenager to grow up in that environment.

We should be glad that we have largely - although far from completely - overcome this and that now, for the first time in at least Western history, a generation of gays and lesbians could grow up without having to duck when a slur comes their way, with their head held up high and with most of their fellow teenagers not giving a damn and having their backs when need be. They, finally, have a chance to grow up to be happy and healthy adults. This openness does everyone good.

But no, the slurs, the shaming, the making insecure is coming back with a vengeance. All in the name of progress. Instead of gay and lesbian kinds growing up to be happy and healthy adults we are now telling them they are not who they are, that their body is wrong - and anyways a social construct as it is - and that deviating from a gender norm from the 50's as a toddler means lifelong medicalization and possibly being put under the knife. If that isn't infurating I don't know what is.

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Is this why the Mudiad Meithrin are pushing this? Have Stonewall got to them as well? Below is a copy of Mudiad Meithrin's tweet from a couple of days ago. Below is also a question I asked you after I watched your discussion about the Forstater case. Keep up the good work.



· 22 Jul

We are developing a LGBTQ+ pack for the early years and we want every voice to be heard📣. We want to hear from the LGBTQ+ community, practitioners, parents or committee members who would like to help us develop the pack 🏳️‍🌈.

Register your interest below -


Dennis I have a question for you. If Maya's case had been about her contract not being renewed because she was pushing Gender Ideology, with it's associated effects on women, same sex attracted people and the medicalisation of children, do you think she would have won? Is this belief system worthy of respect in a democratic society?

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hey we miss you on Twitter x @1POLARVORTEX - meme maker x

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Hey I miss you too! I still use your fantastic graphics on here :)

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Love this. Thank you.

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Isn’t this basically eugenics? You must change the body to fit an ideal? Great column Dennis.

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No, because there is no view to the next generation. It would be eugenics if the idea were to prevent the next generation from gays and lesbians being born.

As vehemently and as passionately as I oppose any and all groups who advocate teaching gender identity to children and thus to confuse them, and as much as I reject trans ideoloy as such - this is something you can not accuse Stonewall of wanting. they have been captured by a radical ideology that is ultimately a fanatic religion, so they sadly but honestly believe they are doing their best.

Besides, homosexuality is innate but for all we know it is not hereditary. So, luckily, such an undertaking would be impossible.

Nevertheless, the result of Stonewall's policy would be the conversion of a large part of a generation of gay and lesbian children. This is horrifying enough.

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Not in mine either.

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