Heterosexual woman here. We are fed up to back teeth and support you. When I challenged my employer especially “ during pride month” they were so predictable and tried to double down with LGBTQIA plus awareness and I told them they were being discriminatory and putting themselves at risk then explained the equality act- an idiots guide. I know others have done this as well. Just know your stuff and speak politely and knowledgeably without emotion if you can.

I think it would be really useful to show some role plays of people doing this. With the relevant parts of the Act highlighted. With the masked nutters at Bristol representing their side it is doing them a favour

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Thank you for a beautiful article.

Chemically castrated with advanced prostate cancer here.

I will stand by as an ally with you until the day I die. And this is the hill I am going to die on, for I have no time for pseudo intellectual, science denial, nor attacks on some of my best friends.

"Puberty blockers" are the same drugs used to castrate me chemically. Their effects are by no mean benign. not even a little bit. and after two years become irreversibly damaging. Oncologists know this but appear not to want to share this knowledge with the gender borg.

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Its men like you who had a stark, terrible choice: cancer beating you or drugs that saved your life, at a cost.

Those same drugs were then given to women of a certain age with gynaecological conditions to effectively shut them up. Women are only allowed on Lupron for maximum of 6 months *because of the side effects*. In theory this arbitrary length of time was supposed to mitigate those side effects. In practice they don't.

Women who take these drugs as a kind of "dress rehearsal" for possible hysterectomy may have had perfectly healthy ovaries and only need the uterus removed. Yet, Lupron will cause nasty side effects, effectively killing those very ovaries and inducing early menopause.

Those same drugs, euphemistically termed "puberty blockers", were given to children who had genuine precocious puberty (pre age 8). Too early onset puberty is risky so it stands to reason if its possible to slow it down. But that isn't what the drugs do.

We have those children in their early 30s now with serious health consequences - bones crumbling leading to spontaneous fractures that never really heal rendering the individual disabled and needed a wheelchair. There are heart issues, cognitive issues, stunted height and a host of other issues.

Medical professionals have known these "side effects" for a very long time. Which is why it angers me, that the medical world think these drugs are "reversible".

Tell that to the 30 yr old adults crippled due to Lupron. Tell that to the women on their 40s and 50s who now have bodies of 80+ due to Lupron. And you can tell your story too.

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Straight dad here: this situation is awful and people like you are heroes. You are also a hell of a good writer, and there's a bravery in repeatedly baring your soul the way you do.

It's been horrible watching sanctimonious "woke" idiots roll back all the advances, and do so in a way almost guaranteed to cause a backlash to LGB folks.

Thanks to cancel culture - which my friends say doesn't exist, the proof being nobody will argue with them when they say it - all I can do to help is toss money at crowd funders and tackle some of this crap when it comes up in private. It pains me to admit that that's not much better than thoughts and prayers...

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Jun 21, 2022
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It doesn't feel like much, but thanks. Donating is cheaper than therapy.

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I grew up with such gay men - witty, articulate, educated, wise (not that they were well behaved), well presented, and very protective to young women in particular, straight or lesbian. The garish queens don't hold a candle to their humanity, and the queer lot appear to have no idea what tolerance consists of. This diversity orthodoxy and it's internal illogic of 'me first' is actually heartbreaking to see, but before they disappear in a puff up their own rabbit holes, we need to undermine the ridiculous notion that straight geezers in frocks constitute a special case of oppression. The kids meanwhile, do not seem to be alright.

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Yes back in the mid '80s after NZ finally decriminalised homosexual acts a guy down the hall from me at Uni suddenly had a load of giggling women in his room. He hadn't become a babe magnet overnight, just asked for makeup and clothes advice, hence the giggling.

He went on to be a striking distinctive figure around campus. It was great to see. If you are out there Andrew, Hi hope you are happy.

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Oh, Dennis. Your writing sears right into my being, every time. What you say here beautifully, painfully and with breathtaking eloquence, distills the semi -formed thoughts that have for some time been circulating in my mind. I understood and recognised this castration and reduction of gay men to grotesque prancing parodies of perceived womanhood, but groped around for the right words. Thank you for formulating these observations and fears into such powerful words. As a woman I see the Borg doing the same to my kind with their performative interpretation of what they perceive Woman to be. The repulsive displays this last weekend in Bristol couldn't have been more performative of their beloved stereotypes. 'Suck my dick' said no woman, ever.

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Beautifully and powerfully said, thank you Dennis.

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"Sexual orientation" was universally understood as normal and diverse for that one hot minute, but then it became "right wing hate speech" to refer to sex as a thing that might orient people. We are supposed to find "genders" attractive now but frankly the process is so confusing that I don't even want to bother dating anymore. Take the stereotypes you prefer to perform, multiply by a function of hair color plus haircut, divide by infinite navel gazing, and the astrologer decides which microgender will work for you? I'd rather stay in, thanks. At least with the old-fashioned dating and matchmaking services, you just said "straight" or "gay" or "lesbian" or "bisexual" and got busy. These Gender Puritans didn't just make sex verboten, they've made it boring.

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The best yet Dennis - more raw visceral power now!

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Brilliant penmanship, bringing an honest heartbreaking…..message…..it’s also personal

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I've been saying for a few years that the media rarely shows masculine homosexuals. They always run for the drag queens or the flamboyant boys. I don't have a problem with them, but it shows only a portion of the men who are homosexuals in society. They want people to believe that's all homosexuals can be. Now, they simply want to erase gay men and lesbians. I feel that we took a giant step back without wanting to do so. In their minds, it's back to the closet homos.

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Your writing is so brilliantly powerful; I just wish you didn’t have to write about the things you do.

I’ve just been in a meeting at work appealing to leadership that the promotion of transgender is to the detriment of our gay and lesbian young people. Hoping that the evidence of harm caused will make them see sense.

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Another fine and very upsetting piece. It made me think … of gay men like Tchaikovsky and Wittgenstein … and so many other extraordinary gay and lesbian people whose gifts gave humanity something immeasurable despite their struggles. How debasing to reduce them or any gay or lesbian human to exhibitionist and over-sexualised stereotyping, and to disappear them into gender soup. You are right to be so angry and despairing.

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Miss you, arsehole. Lady Darklands xxx

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You too :)

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I'm permanently suspended now for stating GD is a mental illness.

That's me done.

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This this this.

Homophobia - both males and females.

Castrate the males before they get their adult bodies. Remove the barely budding breasts of the females and create frankenstein appendages by mutilating their arms or legs.

Render them both childlike.

That is the punishment for being gay/lesbian.

For Women who shout out against all this, silence them by un-naming them. Hand the rightful sex based names of Female/Women/Girl; Mother, Sister, Aunt, Daughter, Wife to the cabal of men appropriating womenhood for their own sexual gratification.

We, formerly known as females and women, are now referred to by demeaning and dehumanising sexual body parts and functions.

To be un-nameable means we cannot be protected by the law, yet are still subject to it.

Lastly, criminalise anyone who disagrees and ensure education teaches the young how to lie.

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Rousing stuff. This straight ally backs you all the way.

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Dennis a YouTube channel named Luxander has uploaded a video with a thumbnail of a concentration camp image actually covered in the trans flag and uses the horrors of the Holocaust to warn against 'trans extermination'.

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Dear god above……

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I just checked it's channel. Just by the titles you know that person is not well. The attic is full of cobwebs. :)

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