Yes rainbow lanyards now practically scream Gender cult. The only decent rainbow Pride flag I've seen had a triangle cut out of it -- indicating rejection of the incursion of black, brown, pink and blue.

And everyone who screams dismissively "it's just stoking culture war" seems to be ignoring one example given in Esther McVeigh's rationale for her sensible proposal: what happens when civil servants turn up wearing the colours of flags of Palestine and Israel?

Wearing religious symbols was banned on an airline (I forget which one -- probably all of them) and, I believe, is banned in most schools for the same reason.

I wear a metal badge of twisted ribbon in suffragette colours on my lapel: proclaiming TERF to anyone in the know -- but I'm not a civil servant. And in Brighton, I feel it's quite a brave thing to do!

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"the demand for homophobia seems to outstrip supply" <-- Bingo, some new homophobia had to be created and monetized

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Rainbow lanyards - the virtue signalling commodity needed by all our heterosexual saviours who are out to save and protect something they don’t understand. I’m so sick of being lectured by these white middle class saviours who uniquely seem to know how to save all the minorities from ourselves. Being lectured by lanyard wearing “allies” on how to avoid being a bad gay and how to be a good gay as per their doctrine. I honestly wish these narcissistic patronising pricks would just fuck off. Their understanding of what it is to be gay is the same as old school right wingers from the 90’s. You’re gay so shouldn’t you wear woman’s knickers and want to be a woman!? These allies with their half naked regressive concepts of homosexuality hurt gay people and our lives with their homophobic patronising and regressive ideology. How dare they think they can speak on behalf of me. Seeing themselves as kind and compassionate is more a symptom of their narcissism than proof of their egalitarianism. The rainbow doesn’t represent me anymore. I see it more representative of heterosexuals with mental health problems and a pride in sexual fetish.

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I agree with you. What is really awful is that young gay people are being targeted by activists, health professionals and educators. The trans movement has also set back gay rights in other countries because of LGBTQ umbrella term and countries wanting nothing to do with trans.

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As a heterosexual female when I heard about gender ideology before realising the impact on children I thought of the gay/lesbian community. If sex is not a reality homosexuality doesn’t exist.

It is so obvious that the rainbow flag has been hijacked and lost its meaning. I do not indulge. LGB has nothing to do with T+ and conversion practice is reality under trans ideology.

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Excellent read, thank you. From the parent of a gay 14 year old daughter now convinced she’s trans.

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I am really so sorry to hear this Charlotte.

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I guess the one tiny plus of the rainbow lanyards is that they clearly identify the complacent sheep I want to stay away from. We call it "virtue signalling", but even that is too kind since stupidity is not a virtue.

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Valid point.

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just follow the money - read the origins of the movement via Jennifer Bilek

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Indeed. You can't go into any medical establishment or hospital in TransToria which is in TransTralia without being rainbow-flagged to death. Here the TRAs are busy denying Cass - a he/him from the Human [Wrongs] Commission ran an online presentation recently in which he called Cass a 'village idiot'. Victoria is so captured we have a law where you can be jailed for 10 years for suppressing a 'gender-identify' Dennis - I love Queen Speech, you have no idea how much it helps to have the voices of gay men like yourselves and your wonderful turn of phrase and analysis. Thank you. Jenny

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asp much for fn womens rights ! Zero sex based rights ; not alliwed safe guards for our bodies and its soooo homophobic telling gays they have to eat a fashioned dick hanging limply from a female sexed groin - or women running 10 metres losing sports scholarships to men ! Fahhhh

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Maggie Chapman reminds me of Rod Hull’s deranged emu in that photo.

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This just makes my ears bleed! I agree with MoominMamma. If I see anyone wearing such a lanyard or similar, or sign off emails with a rainbow #be kind, I know to treat them as if they’ve had a full frontal lobotomy. I suppose it does save time. We can spot them before they’ve even opened their mouths to spout their inane mind numbing claptrap.

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Same with the clowns with COEXIST stickers on their mom’s car; most hateful phux in society.

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"co-exist" is the directive; what is the alternative for pete's sake... Respect boundaries there's an idea

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Uhm, did that really go over your head?

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Excellent article, Dennis!

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Useful signifier on who to avoid though

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As a civil servant I would dearly love it if all politics were left at home. But then the problem is the rainbow flag brigade don't realise they're being political. They're just "being nice". Once, when I clicked on a "why are pronouns in my email bio" link, I was sent to a webpage about American politics castigating Trump! Very impartial.

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read jennifer Bilek follow the transhuman agenda - how did this crap get into our oublic life across the world - big pharna and corporate agenda to coopt womens legal rights and human biology

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It should be obvious to EVRRYONE by now that " "trans" ideology is the new homophobia !! Great post ,Dennis x

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And transing minors is the new conversion therapy. The ideologues' have finally realized they can't change unacceptable same-sex attraction; but hey! We can change the kid's sex , and voila! the unacceptable is now acceptable. The fact is, they know it. We must always keep In mind the Tavistok staffer who worried, "What are we going to do when we run out of gay kids?"

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As someone steeped in gay rights for over 50 years, 100% agree.

The rainbow flag becoming the equivalent of the confederate flag.

Perhaps it’s time to go back to the lamba symbol: λ . It was used to focus attention on legal rights of gays and lesbians since the 70’s

At least in the US, when children don’t use the words “fag, dyke, lesbian, or gay” as pejoratives to bully and taunt children they don’t like, then we’ve accomplished something for gay and lesbian kids as well as gay and lesbian adults, who are relatively protected now, as was pointed out.

Transing kids or burying them in LGBTQIA+ 🏳️‍🌈 paraphernalia is not stopping them from being taunted, beaten up and bullied for being gay or lesbian. It is, I suspect, making things worse.

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Soooo tired of all this gay rights, women’s rights, black rights, etc., etc., etc. Who had rights others do not.

Give it a rest.

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Divorce is required - LGB recognition of human sexed mammals- homophobic labels are in bad taste and ridiculous -hetero fetishists not at all pretty

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