Surely it's time to ask the Charity Commission to revoke of Stonewall's charity status (and any other LGBT charity seeking to perpetuate this). This sort of Stonewall-approved rhetoric, probably included in their training, is actively undermining lesbian and gay men's legal protections.

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Yes, and like I commented on Dennis' last piece, how can it still receive funding when homosexuality has homophobically been redefined by it to be same 'gender' attraction, which is not only nonsensical, it's not even what's protected in law.

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The charitable object provisions of all these charities are drawn very widely, in Stonewall's case they (rather blandly) commit the trust to advancing human rights. That breadth means they can't be said to be beyond them but the Equality Act and the soon to be Criminal Offence of Gay Conversion in my view are still matters that merit consideration.

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Plus what about the misrepresentation of the law to organisations etc.?

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All “LGBT” orgs. should be considered as fraudulent fronts for fetishists. They use LGB to get their funding, but service….and boy do they service, the Ts and Ps.

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I was doing the live tweeting. She used the analogy 4 times. She was quite fond of it.

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With Tribunal Tweets?

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❤️ Thank you!! ❤️

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You know what I always think of with "cotton/boxer ceiling" garbage? The men selling advice as "pick up artists" and "seduction experts."

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I love this piece, Dennis... and I share your horror and disgust at the views expressed in the tribunal yesterday. I could not be more irate lesbians are expected to tolerate this appalling homophobia.

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I only subscribed yesterday, and am so glad I did. Thank you for this piece Dennis. I’m feeling calmer now but can’t even convey. I just did not know what to do with my anger earlier, I wanted to scream.

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It's a horrible betrayal of the lgb community. I've witnessed harassment about this on twitter and it was utterly disrespectful.

I'm proud to have helped fund Allison Bailey's legal case. Courage calls to courage.

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So does this nonsense apply to heterosexual people too, or is it just us homosexuals who are evil?

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This is just so awful on every level. So called intelligent people complicit in this sexual coercion. Makes me so angry that our LGB community has been let down in such a shameful way.

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Hi there Dennis, I realise this is a late comment on a post of yours from last year. I have only just discovered your substack, via Graham Linehan, so please forgive the lateness.

I am South African and we are getting a bit sick of being used in arguments when people have to overreach in order to claim some shred of credibility. It’s outrageous and frankly, a bloody cheek. Using comparisons with apartheid in argument does prove one thing, however, and that is they know they’re losing.

Best of luck, you’re doing a great job and I hope more homosexuals take a stand against this subversive and insane tyranny, where the rights that were so hard won are being taken away, seemingly with little resistance. By the way, I don’t understand the “trans rights are human rights “ thing. What rights are they talking about? What are the rights trans activists don’t have? Nobody seems to be able to tell me.

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So, as far as I understand it, no-one should be allowed to perform conversion therapy [AKA exploratory therapy] on LGBTQ+ individuals, except those deeply invested in trans extremism/Stonewall - in which case lesbian and gay peeps are completely fair game?

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May 24, 2022
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Why indeed. Almost like woke gay conversion therapy hey.

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Sorry, I deleted my comment because I had wanted to expand on it, before realising you had replied. Yes, how come this nonsense is always pushed on the gays and not straights!

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GQ straights stand with gays on this. And NOBODY should be coerced or persuaded into sex, whatever their orientation, and to hold workshops on techniques is positively obscene and should be illegal.

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There is the odd case and an occasional paid marketing campaign but I do not doubt for a moment that it will stop there. Lesbians were first in the firing line, then gay men and I would not be surprised if bisexuals were stomped underfoot as a bridge to the rest of the population.

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