Another great episode. I really appreciate your passion and righteous anger. I donated a small amount to LGBA's Crowdfunder. I hope it helps--what's happening to them is awful. Keep doing what you're doing and raising awareness.

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So I now have to get used to saying “homogenderuality” and referring to myself as a “homogenderual.” That’s asking quite a lot of my 57-year-old gay brain.

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Thank you for discussing the GLADD charter!

You can see this here: https://gladd.co.uk/activism-conversion-therapy-charter/

Point 5 particularly concerns me:

‘The importance of working with LGBTQ+ patients to respect and **affirm** their gender and/or sexual identity‘ (My asterisks)

a) What is gender identity? It has no proven definition or evidence base, how can clinicians possibly base anything on it?

b) Please note this language creep in which they use ‘sexual identity’ instead of ‘sexuality’.

Sex-based rights and objective reality are not things that EDI people and the self-proclaimed ‘queer medical activists’ who have written this charter believe in.

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Question: Where is Mermaids getting the money to pursue this litigation? I am generally familiar with how non-profit charitable organizations are run here in the States. There are strict rules governing what you can do with funds you receive; specifically, other than for reasonable overhead and administrative expenses they have to go towards furthering your charitable objective as discussed in your mission. You can’t, for example, decide to buy a luxury performance automobile without risking getting your tax exempt status revoked.

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Really informative as ever. Thanks for raising awareness of the crowdfunder: it's vital that organisations and individuals suffering this relentless harassment have recourse to legal representation. LGBA have to win this.

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Aug 23, 2022·edited Aug 23, 2022

There’s a lot of what feels like bullying in charities, not an easy work environment. A lot of poor mental health. Plus too many political careerists latching on to make themselves look good. The marketing scandal where older folk were targeted ( I recall someone killed themselves) should have been the point the Charities Commission looked at the fuller picture.

Joining a charity when you feel empathy for the cause and then find professional virtue signalling and those more interested in money or their own standing is soul destroying.

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