Jun 10, 2023Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Hi Dennis, I've exposed what happened at a recent Mermaids Training Session. I'm still suspended from Twitter. Would you consider sharing it and tagging in the @ChtyCommission (and anyone else you think)?


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Sure thing mate - hey can you also email me through here re your twitter ban, I want to work on that

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Great exposé, KFP. It's funny that the genderborg are still using a photograph of an obscure South African businessman Joseph Barry, a completely different person to James Barry / Margaret Anne Bulkley! As with everything else, they are just parroting each others misinformation back to each other to create the illusion of academic legitimacy.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Thanks as always you two. I do think the LGB 'community' could represent itself better to wider society. Perception is often reality and b/c of the forced-teaming many people still consider all LGBs are down w/ the TQplusWTF. It needs to be more widely known that LGB is not about the TQ ...appendage.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

It was great to hear you and Clive having in-depth discussions with differing perspectives on things. No group chanting of mantras here, and thank goodness for that!

I agree that since the TQ+ forced-teaming we are having to navigate a very different cultural landscape. It feels like they deliberately muddy the waters so that we can't distinguish lesbian and gay culture / rights as separate from their grubby mission to erode all boundaries.

It made me wonder, where the TQ people were when lesbians and gay men were campaigning for their rights. A quick google informs me that Whittle had already been married to her wife 8 years by the time the same sex marriage act was passed in 2013, having won her right to same sex marriage in 2005 without much need for a long public campaign to win hearts and minds first. So much for T being the most oppressed of the alphabet!

And the Q? Well I can't believe I didn't recognise this sooner, but of course they are against same-sex marriage because they are against marriage itself as a heteronormative institution that needs to be "smashed". They are usually disingenuous about this or disguise it in Butleresque twaddle, but occasionally they say the quiet part out loud:


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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

No bitching about Brinton this week, please boys. I hate that 😉

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Thanks, Dennis (and Clive)

Pride is lost!!

To counter Pride, on our small substack we are having Gender Critical Month and featuring a great GC speech, poem or song on each post. Have cross posted and here is tonight's offering:


Loved your comments on the Stephanie Winn interview



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I really appreciated the discussion about the sexual stereotypes at "pride". Rather than getting caught in debates of prudishness/puritanism vs. acceptance, I think it useful to have discussions about the ways in which power, subordination and dehumanization are protected under the guise of "freedom of expression" and "natural sexuality". How does oppression and abuse affect our sexuality? How is the fight against oppression affected by the unquestioning acceptance of power and subordination in the bedroom? How is the fight against dehumanization affected by the acceptance of sexual objectification as a form of "expression" or a "choice" (that just happens to be made most often by people in subordinated groups).

It's off limits to discuss how our sexuality is impacted by the power dynamics in our environment. But how is this different from the silence that has historically made sex and sexuality a haven for predation and abuse? I agree with Dennis that we need "responsibility" instead of "pride". One of the purposes of shame is silence, so that oppression and abuse can continue. "Pride" that is also silent on power and subordination is no better. Responsibility, however, acknowledges reality: that power and subordination may be internalized and enacted in historically oppressed communities and an important step in rooting it out is to first name and discuss it.

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Really interesting comment mate, lot to think about there

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Dennis have you or Clive seen this bit by KJK discussing how it seems the T and its MAPs are using LGB to groom kids? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQ7HtGISQb4

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023

Dennis, your last episode with Clive was very enjoyable. There was the usual incisiveness, analysis and information, but a lot of humour too, something that's so important. Love you lots.

The Ellen Page exchange was interesting. She has no appeal to me as a performer or a 'personality', and I don't think she's especially talented, a bit of a run of the mill narcissist, lots of insecurity, etc. Look at her background, another outcome was always so unlikely. Im afraid I laughed about the fake pecs and abs.

Obviously, women are as capable of developing muscles as men are. But when that happens, it's not usually isolated to a couple of areas on a generally undeveloped body. Page is thin, she's short, she has the body of an adolescent. Her facial features are clearly female, but all of that has to be cast aside. She feels she's always been male, and everyone else had better accept and reinforce this delusion. Don't ever consider considering questioning her fantasy or the obsession with gender identity and its consequences. Be quiet, or else!

I know a young lesbian who preferred to describe herself as lesbian, though she felt pressured into ditching this word. Lesbian is exclusive, identifying as 'queer' is more appropriate. Let the boys and girls who once thought about kissing a member of their sex not be boring, heteronormative 'cis' ordinaries. They never actually did kiss another boy or girl, and eventually forgot they'd ever had a momentary dalliance with thoughts of same sex love. Then remembered it when there started being credibility mileage in it.

Anyway, this young woman ended up feeling increasingly bullied. She was reluctant to 'identify' as queer, but she wanted to be left alone, and that happened when she started calling herself non-binary. The criticism and distain turned into a combination of arse kissing and a terror of getting something wrong. Everyone is pretending, but this young woman isn't pretending, not to herself, or to people she knows aren't going to give her a hard time.

A bit of a long comment, I know. I suppose what I really want to communicate, is let's not make compromises for the sake of having a quiet life. What's going on inside isn't going to be quiet, so let it come out, we can try to stay measured an articulate, but let's speak the words.

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Remember when King Charles tried imposing a new prayer book and the Scots said "No"?

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