Both. Enjoying the podcast but a couple of corrections. Alex Salmond took support for Indy to an all time high while in government. Yes, it's wained in recent years - make of that what you will! We haven't gone away and now have a new opportunity to get the gang back together :)

While the figures on Drug deaths are atrocious, (one death due to drugs it too many) I believe Scottish figures include any death where drugs were present in the deceased's system, therefore 'drugs' may not necessarily the absolute cause of death. The definition of 'drugs' is also wide to include those prescribed to the deceased. I believe that there should be a distinction made to deliver a true picture. it's kind of like Covid where it appeared on a death certificate if the deceased tested positive regardless of whether it was the main cause of death.

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Cheers Anni, both helpful points, particularly interested in the drugs point, cheers for that, will read further

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Please do and if I've got anything wrong, happy to be corrected. Thanks for giving me a good laugh at the end of the podcast.

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Hey we needed it at the end of that, was an intense one!

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Fantastic episode. I'd love to see 'LGB' rip itself away from the TQ+ for the next Pride.. if only it was possible, I think it would help enormously with the backlash that may follow. As per the handmaidens though (women who are either intensely naive, or misogynistic).. you've got the very same problem in LGB, and it's the reason progress is so slow! Favourite phrase from this episode (approx!): 'The gender movement is the fever dream of a homophobe'. (I also liked 'oppression tourists'). Time To Thank on order!

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Can you please provide a link to Kathleen Stock's piece that you mentioned , Dennis? Cheers


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Great episode, guys. I think Adam Graham was the straw that broke the camel's back!

He's a man, he's a woman , he's a man again....

Have pre-ordered Time To Think - extraordinary and shocking stuff.


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I realise it is a futile hope at this point, but the gender ideology activists who have posed for gang-style photos with knives and other weapons could have taken this moment to reflect on the real-life tragedies that result from the type of violence they have chosen as their movement's aesthetic.

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