The behaviour in the House of Commons is awful at the best of times. You can be passionate about your beliefs without being brutish. There is very little sincerity on display and many are just there to further their own interests, to network and to use it as a stepping stone to advance themselves. This man should have been ejected for his idiotic posturing. His behaviour reveals what we already know: women are hated by these people. The brave MPs, the sincere MPs, are the ones prepared to raise their voices against this pantomime.

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I've just been watching a programme about the witch hunts if the 1500's and I feel like we're back there. Women's voices are shouted down with particular vocabulary and accusations like "dog whistle", "bigot", and "transphobe", and women are blamed for hateful words and actions of others. It was refreshing to listen to you, it can be hard to maintain hope.

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Loved it! The Queen’s Speech is one of my favourite YouTube weekly views. “Ginger Gender Jabber” had me howling. Love to you both, keep doing what you are doing- mockery and humour will get us through this.

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I love you two. Thanks for your analysis and your wonderful humor.

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I am a 'diehard indy supporter' but cannot believe the lunacy which has captured the SNP & Scottish Greens. I can never vote SNP again.

Fun fact. Scotland had its first inkling Maggie Chapman was completely off her rockers when she took her oath of loyalty in the Scots Parliament, in 2021, in the language of the Shona tribe of Zimbabwe, where she was born. She had to read it out, as she clearly does not speak it. It's on Youtube.

Hell slap it intae them.

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Brilliant session….

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