Dennis - do you know anyone who'd crowd fund and make a documentary about detrans men?

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Not off the top of my head but there must be someone out there, it's practically begging to be made right now

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Heart breaking... isn't it. I sincerely hope things improve for him.

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Awful. And even more so when you realize that this is the norm.

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Jun 14, 2022·edited Jun 14, 2022

Almost unreadable, but we must read it, and other accounts. We must have the courage to do it and to make the Borg and their handmaidens, often unwitting through their compassionate ignorance, read it and make them know we know. The physical and mental suffering of these victims is heartbreaking. Very, very soon nobody will be able to say they didn't know.

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I’d say the time has come when the professions involved in these acts , do know, and the powers that be…..blithely carrying on…….🥲we must redouble our efforts….the invasion of our schools and universities means more and more children will be subjected to experiential treatment…..

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It’s been taken down…..by we know who….but it was photo shopped and still available…for reading….heartbreaking betrayal by those in the medical profession , not confirmed, alleged to have been the NHS!!!!!!!!!! If true, how is that even possible……in whose name are these life changing procedures taking place?

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Exulansic has done a fantastic service in documenting the horror of the surgeries that are being inflicted on confused and vulnerable young people. She has a very dark sense of humour but was ‘trans’ herself and the humour hides the rage what is being done to young people. Eg. https://odysee.com/@Exulansic:d/phalloplasty-philes-bladder-paradox:c

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Hi - would you mind letting Glinner know in the comments of his latest piece please that Shape Shifter was recently silenced on Twitter (info in a community post on his YouTube channel)?

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Presume you meant this for Dennis?

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You, if you don't mind. Sorry, I'm not a paid subscriber yet, so can't comment there. I noticed you are though.

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Thanks so much!

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Jordan Peterson has uploaded a new video 'Doctors, Psychotherapists, Liars and Butchers' and it's powerful.

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Yep, already done. Utterly utterly heartbreaking.

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