Oct 13, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Thank you Dennis. Posted this on Twitter - and we need your voice back there! "Heartfelt, passionate & rightfully white-hot angry writing by Dennis Kavanagh. On transgender ideology: "It is grand theft absolute - it wants even your tears." This is a powerful & empowering must-read."

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Ah cheers Rob - I will put in another appeal post Musk mate :)

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If we needed confirmation that white heterosexual men (of which i am one) are the most powerful demographic on our planet, the success of this ideology provides it. No other group could infiltrate so many institutions at the highest level in such a short time frame.

And as you say Dennis, they've subverted the narrative on minority struggles.

Ironically I'm cast as a bigot for standing up to this stuff, but it's harder to cast the gay community as bigots. That's why your voice us so important. The lazy uninformed woke middle class that are sleep walking society into this might just listen to you! More gay people need to speak out about this. Keep up the good work. A concerned Dad of 2.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Thank you again Dennis for your eloquence. On the money as per usual. The movement is a completely parasitical theft of gay men’s, lesbian (and all women’s) joy and pain.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

On point, as always, Dennis. This appropriation of our pain is what disgusts me most. How dare they pretend they have periods, and period pain, what can they possibly know of being doubled up for hours with period pain, not being able to walk up straight because of it? What can they know of the terror and shame every woman and girl, feels, when she walks about worried that she may be showing a blood spot on her clothing? What can they know of childbearing, childbirth, breast feeding? What can they know of miscarriages? I have heard that there are some deviant men who experience sexual charge from infiltrating women's chat rooms where they discuss the pain of their miscarriage. I really thought I'd hit the lowest of the low when I learnt that. This appropriation of women's pain, of the pain of homosexuals, is perverse and cruel. Enough, I say.

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deletedOct 13, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh
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Yes, you are right, Liz, they never will know the awful changes of menopause, neither the physical changes nor the psychological changes. And the shock and confusion of suddenly finding oneself in the grip of these changes. I will not yield an inch of my authentic womanhood to these thieves.

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Good lord, they discourage women from taking HRT? Here in the UK the misinformation about the associated risks around breast cancer have been challenged by various female doctors and menopause and HRT are very much in the news. I suffered for five years trying natural routes until I finally came upon the change in approach and my symptoms have improved immeasurably. It is an unbelievable double standard to discourage women from life-changing and life-enhancing hormones, but blithely dole it out to imposters of the opposite sex. The ultimate male privilege, to get female hormones that are withheld from women. Beggars belief, like everything else about this sick ideology.

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Ha ha. That's a good one. Mine is mentalpause!

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I’m a big fan of Gay. I use it at every opportunity.

Me: Happy Gay Pride!

“Umm... it’s LGBTQ Pride.”

Me: Oops! My mistake. When is Gay Pride celebrated?

Although I absolutely understand the appeal of homosexual. There’s “sex” right in the middle of it. As in, “sexually and romantically attracted to people who are the same sex as I am.”

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In defense of Gay...

It’s like the distinction between “Men who have Sex with Men” (“MSM” in HIV-prevention parlance) and Gay.

Gay is poppers and Harvey Milk and Tea Dance and the Village People and Stonewall and Gaydar and Longtime Companion and clones and Lypsinka and brunch and the White Night Riots and Giovanni’s Room and putting a giant condom over Jesse Helms’ house and Bette Midler performing in the Everhard Baths accompanied by Barry Manilow on piano and Greg Louganis and GLF and Harry Hay and the Mattachine Society and the Outing Controversy and getting an HIV test every month and Fire Island and Paul Monette and The Boys In The Band and “Oh honey no” and the fact that that was an orange cream pie thrown in Anita Bryant’s face and the deeper you go into gay culture and history the more you find.

(The references are “American Gay” as am I but I’m relatively certain there are similar touchstones in British Gay culture.)

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Use of the word 'queer' does all the boundary blurring it intends and more. Its meaningless is essential to its meaning. Queer really isn't LGB, whatever that is. It's non-binary, it's trans, it's gender fluid, it's heterosexual people who once had a same sex kiss, or thought about having one. 'Sorry! Same sex? You bigot! You're obsessed with genitals.

'The only thing that matters is what's between our ears'. In this instance it's 'I'm a tortured twat waiting to be triggered and traumatised'. But you've noticed them - good. Then you need to think about them, a lot, and then react. If they hear they're 'stunning and brave', it'll do, but who cares about that? All the 'thems' who 'come out' as non-binary can hardly use that as proper confirmation that their identity isn't being respected and they're being marginalised, etc. At least misgender them/those/they, for fucks sake. Or forget to call them queer, because that's what they are' whoever they fancy. Especially NB boys who like girls, and NB girls who like boys.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Can't be with you, can't get with you, can't be you, can't control you, so nothing will do except total absorption and subsumation.

I call it #AutogynephilicCannibalism

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

You ever notice that all the "re-appropriation" of terms of derision (like "queer") do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to combat homophobia, sexism, or racism? My hunch is that for many, they're signs of internalized homophobia, sexism, and racism and they're perpetuating prejudice. The only thing that happens when a term of derision is "re-appropriated" is it becomes harder to criticize.

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Powerful as always.

> They like queer because it blurs boundaries - that's why they use it. Homosexual conversely permits of only one obvious definition.

This in particular.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Not sure where to post this but- hang on- ive commented my concerns about THT and their behavior which has best been described as ‘captured’ and I would extend that to a softly softly approach to monkeypox.. so explain this behaviour being reported in pinknews “ The Terrence Higgins Trust, one of the UK’s biggest sexual health organisations, is withdrawing from monkeypox meetings with the UK government over its mishandling of the outbreak.” To me.. I smell a fish.. a rotten fish. Is this scorching the earth when THT should be under investigation themselves? What are your thoughts Dennis? Apparently Pox numbers have started to drop, but I have not seen THT come out and advocate celibacy.. and have even encouraged apparent forms of safer sex through pride.. which is ridiculous with MonkeyPox as it can be transmitted by saliva. This seems like an attack on a weakened Tory party who have decided to turn the spotlight on Mermaids, which is overly affiliated with THT. Just me?

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That makes perfect sense Sam though I think also this - THT got their fingers quite badly burned over MP as they were late to the show and their friends in Pink News were merrily castigating the LGB Alliance for drawing attention to this as an issue - it may be they simply want to exit stage left pronto and conveniently blame that decision on govt

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Thats interesting information Dennis. Amazes me how much incest is occuring between these organisations, I always felt the ‘work’ at THT was coming second fiddle to the objectives of the top-team there; but there have been some major factors involving their decision making and Trustee hiring pool that have completely undermined their credibilitiy this year.

1) being Gareth Thomas (which was completely avoidable, the man was predictably inappropriate for the role and totally untrustworthy as a character)

2) the speculation of the appointment of a new female medical director who is directly involved in gender surgery (details of which have evaporated for obvious reasons but she may still be in line for the role, who knows).

3) the announcement of the departure of the chief exec (a timely event!)

4) the politicisation and ineffectual policies dealing with monkeypox. The status-quo in these medical and charity sectors have not preached any form of personal or corporate responsibility, and still superspreader events like “Hard On birthday Sat October 15th

at Union nightclub” are still going ahead where some of the models who originally became infected at the Danish fetish club will be attending. Im no prude, I'm not against sexual expression, but there is such a thing as context and (direct candid) advice when such an infective disease that could attract a huge backlash should it spread to other vulnerable groups gets out of control.

5) covid - I don't have time to go into that but i have experience as a gay man with HIV being both targeted and mistreated by the NHS North Bristol Trust for the J&J trail. And I do feel personally the THT did not stand for us in this time.

6) Finally I would just say that the mission statements that were put forward targeting the so called ‘BAME’ (not a great term) community by these trustees, whilst prioritising ‘Trans’ ideology could be said to have influenced the vulnerable and lost sight of the real purpose of THT. They are meant to look after the needs and advocate for those who are suffering with HIV (like myself), and they have failed to do so. They dont take criticism well, or react in a manner that shows a priority of concern. They in short do whatever is good for them in the moment, and whatever is cheap and low risk. I call them ‘Jobbing Charity Workers’ for a reason but I liked how you put it best when you likened them to an ‘Aristocratic Class of Charity Workers’.. (I may have misquoted you slightly) that is exactly what they are! They falsely preach CRT and Trans Ideology not because they believe it; but because it distracts from their own extreme personal privilege and means they need not achieve anything real.

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"bourgeoise oppression tourists" You words smith. I also like to call them skin walkers.

How do we get these teens growing up to understand queer is a slur just like the N word? I watched a movie the other day called Do Revenge on Netflix where the lesbian character calls herself queer. Every Hollywood flick keeps calling lesbians queer and gay men queer.

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I was a teen in the 80's I know exactly what your talking about.

I am politically homeless now. After 39 years of being a Democrat. I had a lady come to my door last night looking for votes for some lady for assembly woman. She rolled out the tired slogan " She supports Planned Parenthood." I told her I do not support Planned parenthood. It is Transing kids and gives out cross sex hormones' and can give them to 14 year old's. I said if she supports Transgenderism I can not support her. The lady said " good night and walked away."

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Thank you Dennis, spot on. And I will never forgive Russell T Davies for his lack of even a nod to lesbians helping gay brothers throughout the AIDS crisis in his TV drama It's A Sin. The deliberate overlooking definitely WAS a sin.

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I found it difficult to watch for precisely that reason.

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Plus Olly Alexander irritates the absolute living hell out of me lol

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Thank you.

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Oct 15, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Thanks for the read Dennis. Just shared on twitter - hope you're back on the bird app soon!

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Great. I want my GMN T-shirt, though, Dennis. x

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