Thank you, Dennis. This puts very precisely into words all of my floating anxieties around the word "gender". You've given me an arsenal of arguements to wield in the g-wars ⚔️🗡️🛡️
This is one reason why I changed Gender Critical in my Twitter bio to Reality Defender.As a scientist this also describes me better. Don't be a vaccine denier in my sight or hearing either. That sort of thing.
An excellent piece of writing Dennis. This is something I'm doing more and more lately. I'm surprised by the positive way it is received, mostly. Edit due to big finger/small keyboard typos
A great article on the importance of language. I have definitely seen an increase in gay-identifying transmen criticising actual gay men, and they always use the term "cis" as if it negates their homophobia. I agree that if we are to reclaim reality then we need to call out the use of newspeak words for the thought manipulation and coercion it is.
Describing myself as a rationalist and a materialist does all the work for me. I don’t feel I need any additional qualifiers to positions I take. Making this declaration in an argument puts my opponent on notice that I consider him or her to be irrational and a fantasist.
I like to say I disagree with the Cartesian notion of a body-mind split, and therefore don't believe that anyone can be born into the wrong body. Don't believe in gender, therefore.
Correction: I believe in "gender" as a clever, sophisticated and evil marketing tool for people selling synthetic sexual identities, but I don't believe in gender outside of that.
Great to see this pointed out. Here in NZ, during the "conversion therapy" legislative process, the manipulative linguistic deceits had the public well and truly fooled
Valuable points made in this article. "Gender" is euphemism for sexist stereotypes or what I like to call patriarchal behavioral requirements: males must exhibit traits that reinforce their dominance (masculinity) and females must exhibit traits that reinforce their subjugation (femininity). We're also expected to obey the requirement that every man must have his own personal nurse, maid, nanny for his children: a wife. If we're same-sex attracted, it messes up the patriarchal power structure. Don't be afraid to call out sexism or ask someone to clarify what they mean by "gender". Don't let them obfuscate misogyny and homophobia with "gender" and "cis".
Thank you so much for this insight. Of course you are right, I have found it is too easy to be coerced into this language. It has reminded me of two other examples. One I have experience of: the renaming of the extraordinarily cruel cub hunting in which the season’s hounds new to the fox hunting pack are taught to want to chase and kill foxes. When fox hunting was clearly rejected by the general public, this was renamed ‘autumn hunting’ - a reference to the time of year this barbaric practice is still carried out. As Dennis describes so well, the gulf between what is evoked by the term and the reality it conceals is crucial to those trying to pass off unacceptable realities as positive and anodyne. The other notorious example is of course the language used by the Third Reich as it practised genocide. From now on I will not be using the language of the gender belief system.
Each article you write about this horrific butchery surpasses the previous and utterly nails the nub of the problem. Language obfuscates and draws attention to or away from certain issues. Ask any politician! Let's stop using the 'G' word. It is a fantasy. Too right, do not use the language of the butchers so that we can see the truth divide between the children being mutilated and the men who want to wear high heels and badly applied lipstick and who would NEVER consider the loss of their dicks. And their many handmaidens and apologists, of either sex.
The Family Guy moment—“Do whatever you want, all the time”—explains everything, especially as it applies to straight people. Straight people such as AGP trans-identified males, of course. But also so-called “queer” or “non-binary” people. Sure! Of course! Assume unto yourself the five hundred years of persecution gay men and lesbians have faced since the Middle Ages, including burning at the stake. (One explanation I have heard of how the f-word came to be applied to gay men is that it was the word for the sticks they would use to burn us alive.) And absolutely, queer and non-binary people. Your social awkwardness is Exactly. Like. That.
If 'gender' is just a social construct, then one does begin to wonder exactly what someone is 'dysmorphic' about when they suffer from gender dysphoria.
I really want to be an entirely different social construct? I feel like I've been born as the wrong social construct?
The word 'gender' is, in my view, of no scientific utility whatsoever. It's like the Phlogiston of the 20th and 21st centuries. It's vague, ill-defined, imprecise, and wholly subjective.
Many trans activists now consider it "transphobic" to say that gender is a social construct! This is because they believe that gender is not just a construct but something very real, i.e. a gendered or sexed soul as Helen Joyce calls it, that is, an innate essence present at birth, to be discovered at some later date by the individual. Hence the ideas of sex being "assigned" at birth and being born in the wrong body. It's a dualistic notion that there is a soul and a body that are not in alignment and the need to medically and surgically alter the body to be congruent with the soul, or essence.
Somehow, magically, the nature of this innate gender essence coincides exactly with sexist stereotypes with Barbie at one end of the spectrum and GI Joe at the other! Well, they say it's a gender spectrum but they contradict this in practice where it's very much in line with the sex binary with all the transitions trying to mimic the sexual characteristics of either male of female, all as a basis to enact sexist stereotypes of masculine and feminine. The whole thing is shot through with contradictions!
It's a quasi-religious, non-scientific ideology, obviously, and it defies belief that this utter nonsense has so quickly captured all the major institutions of society, to the point of being the de facto state religion, with penalties for non-believers and apostates.
Thank you, Dennis. This puts very precisely into words all of my floating anxieties around the word "gender". You've given me an arsenal of arguements to wield in the g-wars ⚔️🗡️🛡️
"Begun the Gender Wars have"
This is one reason why I changed Gender Critical in my Twitter bio to Reality Defender.As a scientist this also describes me better. Don't be a vaccine denier in my sight or hearing either. That sort of thing.
"It is the return of homosexuality to the operating table." Oof.
This is so good. Thank you. Please keep writing.
Now’s the time. Hugely amused by free speech posts on Twitter today. You should have your account back soon
Oh now wouldn't that be great! Dennis, Glinner, Posy and Exulansic all back on Twitter!
I don't like the term 'Gender Critical' as I much prefer ProSex, I mean who isn't ProSex?
An excellent piece of writing Dennis. This is something I'm doing more and more lately. I'm surprised by the positive way it is received, mostly. Edit due to big finger/small keyboard typos
Absolutely excellent Dennis and Helen interview was just spectacular in calm measured tone by both interviewed and interviewer
A great article on the importance of language. I have definitely seen an increase in gay-identifying transmen criticising actual gay men, and they always use the term "cis" as if it negates their homophobia. I agree that if we are to reclaim reality then we need to call out the use of newspeak words for the thought manipulation and coercion it is.
Describing myself as a rationalist and a materialist does all the work for me. I don’t feel I need any additional qualifiers to positions I take. Making this declaration in an argument puts my opponent on notice that I consider him or her to be irrational and a fantasist.
I like both of those Drew
I like to say I disagree with the Cartesian notion of a body-mind split, and therefore don't believe that anyone can be born into the wrong body. Don't believe in gender, therefore.
Correction: I believe in "gender" as a clever, sophisticated and evil marketing tool for people selling synthetic sexual identities, but I don't believe in gender outside of that.
Great to see this pointed out. Here in NZ, during the "conversion therapy" legislative process, the manipulative linguistic deceits had the public well and truly fooled
Valuable points made in this article. "Gender" is euphemism for sexist stereotypes or what I like to call patriarchal behavioral requirements: males must exhibit traits that reinforce their dominance (masculinity) and females must exhibit traits that reinforce their subjugation (femininity). We're also expected to obey the requirement that every man must have his own personal nurse, maid, nanny for his children: a wife. If we're same-sex attracted, it messes up the patriarchal power structure. Don't be afraid to call out sexism or ask someone to clarify what they mean by "gender". Don't let them obfuscate misogyny and homophobia with "gender" and "cis".
Thank you so much for this insight. Of course you are right, I have found it is too easy to be coerced into this language. It has reminded me of two other examples. One I have experience of: the renaming of the extraordinarily cruel cub hunting in which the season’s hounds new to the fox hunting pack are taught to want to chase and kill foxes. When fox hunting was clearly rejected by the general public, this was renamed ‘autumn hunting’ - a reference to the time of year this barbaric practice is still carried out. As Dennis describes so well, the gulf between what is evoked by the term and the reality it conceals is crucial to those trying to pass off unacceptable realities as positive and anodyne. The other notorious example is of course the language used by the Third Reich as it practised genocide. From now on I will not be using the language of the gender belief system.
Each article you write about this horrific butchery surpasses the previous and utterly nails the nub of the problem. Language obfuscates and draws attention to or away from certain issues. Ask any politician! Let's stop using the 'G' word. It is a fantasy. Too right, do not use the language of the butchers so that we can see the truth divide between the children being mutilated and the men who want to wear high heels and badly applied lipstick and who would NEVER consider the loss of their dicks. And their many handmaidens and apologists, of either sex.
Another thought I had tonight…
The Family Guy moment—“Do whatever you want, all the time”—explains everything, especially as it applies to straight people. Straight people such as AGP trans-identified males, of course. But also so-called “queer” or “non-binary” people. Sure! Of course! Assume unto yourself the five hundred years of persecution gay men and lesbians have faced since the Middle Ages, including burning at the stake. (One explanation I have heard of how the f-word came to be applied to gay men is that it was the word for the sticks they would use to burn us alive.) And absolutely, queer and non-binary people. Your social awkwardness is Exactly. Like. That.
Because do whatever you want all the time.
Thanks for this Dennis . Concise . I miss you from the twit …got banned recently but still battling on ..#SoOverTransdogma ❤️🙏🏻
Hey hopefully we will both be back soon :)
If 'gender' is just a social construct, then one does begin to wonder exactly what someone is 'dysmorphic' about when they suffer from gender dysphoria.
I really want to be an entirely different social construct? I feel like I've been born as the wrong social construct?
The word 'gender' is, in my view, of no scientific utility whatsoever. It's like the Phlogiston of the 20th and 21st centuries. It's vague, ill-defined, imprecise, and wholly subjective.
Society needs a radical genderectomy.
Many trans activists now consider it "transphobic" to say that gender is a social construct! This is because they believe that gender is not just a construct but something very real, i.e. a gendered or sexed soul as Helen Joyce calls it, that is, an innate essence present at birth, to be discovered at some later date by the individual. Hence the ideas of sex being "assigned" at birth and being born in the wrong body. It's a dualistic notion that there is a soul and a body that are not in alignment and the need to medically and surgically alter the body to be congruent with the soul, or essence.
Somehow, magically, the nature of this innate gender essence coincides exactly with sexist stereotypes with Barbie at one end of the spectrum and GI Joe at the other! Well, they say it's a gender spectrum but they contradict this in practice where it's very much in line with the sex binary with all the transitions trying to mimic the sexual characteristics of either male of female, all as a basis to enact sexist stereotypes of masculine and feminine. The whole thing is shot through with contradictions!
It's a quasi-religious, non-scientific ideology, obviously, and it defies belief that this utter nonsense has so quickly captured all the major institutions of society, to the point of being the de facto state religion, with penalties for non-believers and apostates.