Bang on that "the Left is not the Left" and that they gave up on class politics in favour of identity politics, leading to what we have now.

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I don't think of the gender critical campaign as being either right or left though it always surprises me that so many on the left vilify a campaign that is about women's rights, gay and lesbian rights and child safeguarding! Instead they prefer a campaign that, on analysis, is about ( privileged) men's rights!?

I look forward to Clive and you discussing this further I hope, Dennis

Keep up the great work


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The reason Genderism talks like Marxism, and walks like Marxism, is that Marxism is also an esoteric philosophical movement. People get the relationship backwards. I have been learning quite a bit about this in my reading lately. Genderism shares a lot in common with past American esoteric faith movements, such as Transcendentalism, that came out of the same febrile intellectual atmosphere as Marx. Marx did not conquer the American mind, he found minds in America ready to receive him. When you think of it as a travelling tent revival and patent medicine show from the old midwest, it all clicks into place.

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Excellent thread. I think you're right that left and right are two pillars but I think the arch they're holding up is patriarchy. Someone once said the only difference between them is that leftists think women should be owned publicly (via surrogacy, porn, the sex trade) and the right want to own women privately through heterosexual marriage. Patriarchy is responsible for the separation of the body from the mind and the spirit. We're now seeing people treat their bodies as machines meant to serve the will of their "owners", machines with parts that can be swapped out at will. Patriarchy values control over connection which has given rise to our increasing reliance on technology where we're constantly tracked and advertised to and which alienates us from ourselves and each other.

Human connection is lost and replaced by hypersexualized images of control and abuse. People who've been hijacked by porn cannot connect with others so they either become the objects they desire as is the case with AGPs or find someone who is "willing" to be objectified or abused. Women and children have always been collateral damage to the male supremacist's quest for power but we're now seeing abuse being brought into the open under the guise of social justice. No one trusts the church or "traditional" patriarchs anymore but when the public loses trust in the left wing of the patriarchy, the right wing will be waiting with open arms. Neither of them are to be trusted. Both are misogynistic and homophobic because they're patriarchal – it's men over women always and that can't happen if we're in same-sex relationships or see women as human.

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Phenomenal thread Dennis. You do good words... should probably be a lawyer or some kind of -ology with that skill! Seriously though... a beacon of rationality in seriously messed up times.

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On a slight tangent check out Days of Boyhood attending a 'Sophie' Labelle event. Brilliant: https://youtu.be/YFpgl6xzKb4


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Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! I'll pass that on to Chad ;)

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Twitter is still silencing Gay men! I've been gone since February 12th. How I miss reading your Tweets, but I refuse to delete my opinion that referring to children and "cis" and "trans" is crazy talk.

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But isn’t it the left that is indoctrinating the kids of gender ideology in schools and puritanical about policing speech?

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I think of it as some sort of nightmarish Cronenbergian capitalism.

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It is justly neither right nor left but the instrument in the hands of powerless exploitative people. The ideology is used to coerce, bully, subvert other people in this day and age. Ten years ago it would have been something else, perhaps justifyingly. In ten years 's time it will most likely have changed. But this exercise in power and gain co occurs with the perversion of safeguarding of vulnerable people far and wide in its reach, including when the institutions are involved in precisely the saguarding of vulnerable people.

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Feb 28, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023

Excellent parsing of the landscape and of the shakeouts and slides that got the the lay of the land into the shape it is today. --- Where there is no "right" nor "left" anymore. Where we're somewhere else entirely now: on familiar looking terrain, but in a strange, strange land.


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