Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

This is beautiful but heartbreaking. I wish it had never needed to be written, in that I wish it had never happened. But as it has, I'm glad you were the one to do it. We won't forget your unwavering dedication in exposing this.

I'm finally peaking my closest friend. I sent her the gender map (USA) and asked her to think who would be hurt the most by discomfort with one's body and/or gender non-comformity being considered the symptom of an illness: children who will grow up gay, and also autistic children. I also asked her what other condition (with a medical pathway) children can "identify into"...? I think it hit home.

Please, everyone, if you were in the cult, bow out now.

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Good god, that sentence you wrote: what other condition with a medical pathway can children identify into'. Probably the most powerful utterance I've yet seen about the Borg. If that sentence can't peak the remaining hangers on of this brutal cult, they are beyond saving.

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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

I would plaster it on every wall in the land if I could. In my experience chatting to people, it's the medical bit people just aren't getting. Jennifer Bilek puts out some cracking tweets about the horrors of the medicalisation of children (calling it the "gender industry" is a good line too). --- To clarify, by "cracking", I mean impactful.

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Seems like there's a book brewing in you, Dennis. I hope it's in the works and if not, I hope you consider it.

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

I have no faith that the men you are addressing will be a help. Even if they offered, I wouldn't get near them.

They have shown themselves of horrendous untrustworthy character. They've shown *who they really are*.

They didn't "make a mistake." This is who they are. If it's not gender, it will be The Next Thing.

I wish you luck, and I'll fight along with you Dennis. You're a wonderful man.

But I will not fight with you and also with them. I will have nothing to do with them. I will join no effort where they are welcome, just as I will join no effort under a feminist umbrella. I will understand that they can't be trusted, so I won't come in the room.

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Entirely understandable, I'm not sure I'm entirely unpersuaded of it either as an approach, I go back and forth on this, but this is the moment I'm in at least for the next 15 minutes :)

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It's still a damned fine essay filled with truth, and written at the high level that makes you so good.

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Oh wow cheers mate, awfully kind of you, thank you

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

I'm not missing an opportunity to state that I'll never forgive Matt Lucas.

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Yeah or Russel T Davies

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

We know what the T stands for.

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

Why did he fold? Was it to gain respect from the mob and be accepted again after Little Britain got so slated? Seriously, why can't these people just ride the storm without selling their souls? His career was entirely recoverable so why be so desperate to pledge allegiance? It makes mad that the very people who can reach others and make change have not even just stayed silent, but they have perpetuated the dangerous lie. A lie harming children. How could anyone get behind this? I'd say I'm speechless but that's clearly not the case!

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His attack on LGB Alliance appeared random at first but then he debuted on Drag Race UK.

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Ugh. Great. Another reason it has been so difficult to peak my friend. She's steeped in queer culture, loves drag and RPDR, fully supports DQSH. And these celebrities getting involved? It makes it impossible for people to get a handle on this cult. We really do revere celebs like Gods :( it's time we stopped that!

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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022

Lesbian feminists and feminists have been fighting this trans BS for decades and being abused and threatened b/c of it. Janice Raymond, the lesbian feminist professor at the U of Mass, wrote the book, The Transsexual Empire, in 1979 warning of the dangers of trans. Stop bashing all feminists, they are not a monolith, and they damn sure are not responsible for what a bunch of hetero and homo male trans fetishists, autogynephiles/transvestic fetishists, have done to the LGB movement.

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Some people cannot be persuaded out of their mindset; and as someone once said to me in frustration: 'Well, nobody raises the dead anymore, we all just do the best we can.' Some efforts are fruitless.

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deletedOct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022
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Defiance, he is an angry, disaffected man and not worth your time. Take good care.

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YOU! Your words! Every fucking time Dennis. I am left crying. I hope one day to cry tears of joy that this nightmare is behind us. I would love to sit and have a cup of tea with you next summer when I come to London. I think we would have a lot to chat about. You could school my girl on the lie she has bought into. XXO

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Oct 11, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

How could Stonewall inflict this agony on the people they are meant to represent? Solidarity and love to the gay community. Lazy thinkers may well look for someone to blame or an opportunity to further their own hateful agendas, but this evil has been fostered the length and breadth of society. We all stand together in opposing it.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Love the new pride flags! Love love love!


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Dennis will you and Clive invite James Dreyfus onto the Queen's Speech podcast? You can start the episode with Gimme Gimme Gimme (a biological man after midnight)!

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I know he would be well up for it we should do that, good idea :)

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Fabulous - do you remember ages ago someone asking would you start a podcast, and you telling them about your friend Clive - that was me. 😄

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Credit where credit is due, that is absolutely right :) It's all your fault the gender borg have to deal with Queens Speech ! :)

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

Love Love Love James Dreyfus! I will never, ever forget him defending women and girls in all of this.

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Just looked up Wikipedia to see how us GC folk are described:

The anti-gender movement is an international movement which opposes what it refers to as gender ideology, gender theory, or genderism.[1] These concepts do not have a coherent definition[2] and cover a variety of issues.[1] Members of the anti-gender movement include right-wingers, right-wing populists, conservatives, and Christian fundamentalists.[3] Members of the anti-gender movement oppose some LGBT rights and some reproductive rights.[1][4]

I know Wiki can be edited by anyone but who is overseeing it? According to this, I'm not a centrist woman who cares about women, children and LGB people, I'm a right winger. That is quite the stretch.

My question is this: once gender ideology is rightly seemed a pile of total dog sh*t, will Wiki pages like this be edited to say the complete opposite?

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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022

I feel your pain. It's got a good friend of mine distrusting me massively. WHY are people so keen to believe this? Just because it's the popular opinion? Surely they know you're not right wing. It's really making people lose their heads. I mean, it's got people saying there are 100 genders and that "it'll be alright, no big deal" if men are in women's prisons. Even the medicalisation of children doesn't make some people recoil (do they not believe it?). My friend said to me "well if that's what they need". Sorry, what child needs sterilisation based on a belief they've been groomed [by adults] to believe? The cult's power has been astonishing.

The bigot slur is a powerful one. I am going to call them bigots now. THEY are bigots. Feminine boys are REALLY girls and masculine girls are REALLY boys? They are right wing, conservative bigots.

The people who are not obsessed with halting children's healthy development / their genitals? Us, we're the weirdos?

Oh and perhaps the best one, the people who believe in 2 biological sexes (rather than gendered souls) are the conspiracy theorists?

It really is a movement of opposites!

Maddening and hurtful, I'm with you 100%. The tide is slowly turning. Hang on in there.

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Thanks for this Dennis. A thoughtful and heartfelt piece.

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Great piece of writing that I stumbled across thanks to Twitter.

In my own writings, which are not as layered and evocative as yours, I have struggled to understand "gender ideology". I have tended towards snark and ridicule, sometimes outrageously so, as a way of expressing my frustration at the whole sordid mess. But, like you, I fear the backlash.

Growing up a few decades ago in the UK things were explicitly homophobic, but even then I could never quite understand the fascination for what others got up to in the bedroom. Two men (or two women) love another, or even just want to have sex with one another - so effing what? Nobody was ever able to explain to me precisely what the problem with that was.

I'm not gay, but I think (and hope) I'm right in saying that, thankfully, things got so much better over the ensuing decades, and attitudes drastically shifted. Like with any prejudice there's always going to remain a rancid rump of dickheads who cleave to their inhumanity, but I think we had made a lot of progress.

In 2022 I kind of stand aghast and wonder what the hell these gender cultists are playing at? The whole gender edifice with its narcissistic neo-pronouns and the like is crazy enough, but the hate and abuse directed at those who dismiss, or even just question, the whole modern gender framework has been alarming, to say the least.

The backlash won't be directed at just the ideologues, though, the target will be anyone who sits under the LGBTQ+ canopy.

I like the analogy Douglas Murray uses where he likens things over the last decade as feeling like we were in a train approaching the station. Not quite there yet, but definitely time to start thinking about getting the luggage off the racks. All of a sudden, the train accelerates and starts hurtling off to God knows where.

I also get the sense that the wheels on the gender bandwagon are starting to loosen at the nuts as more and more people begin to realise that not a lot of it makes much sense. Although I have the meat and two veg, am I a man or a woman? Well, in traditional terms I'm a man. In modern terms I might be a Man™, Woman™, or something else entirely. The new labels of Man™ and Woman™, based on gender, are utterly meaningless.

Only the other day I saw a tweet talking about a gay man with a vagina. Of all things categorized as "phrases I never thought I'd hear in my lifetime" this must come fairly high on the list.

It will all unravel, as it must, because it's not grounded in any objective reality - not to mention being unscientific twaddle. But I hope the unravelling can be truly peaceful, as opposed to 'mostly' peaceful.

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'You are a fellow homosexual male you will recognise this. You know that sense of foreboding or heightened risk you get before you kiss or touch your boyfriend in public, that unmistakable split second look over the shoulder. That twitch of a thing hunted. You are a homosexual male you are good at reading these things, we are the people who look over our shoulders, to be gay is to look over your shoulder. '

This resonated so much with me. I'm not a gay male, but a supporter ever since the beautiful Frank from the lighting department in John Lewis explained to an innocent 17 year old why my love for him was doomed, and introduced me to his partner. This was in the early 1970s. I hated that they couldn't walk down the street together, hold hands and kiss. I hated that if Ray had died, Frank would have had no say in his funeral, and wouldn't have been able to mourn in public. It's not got much better, has it?

If anyone knows what happened to Frank and Ray, I'd love to know.....

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Oh you have GOT to be kidding me......

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What the F??

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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022

Sorry to hear things are still so awful in the US. No one in my friend / family circle would have been aware if I hadn't told them so there is still LOADS to do. You're aware of Affirmation Generation coming out, the documentary?? November 2022 I believe!!! Change is coming. Don't despair!


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I believe it'll be free on YouTube!!!!!!?

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deletedOct 12, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh
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Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 12, 2022Liked by Dennis Noel Kavanagh

I'm with you 100%. I have sleepless nights too. It damages my mental health every day and I'm not even directly affected.

The propaganda for this has been aggressive, persuasive and worst of all, it has used the painful history of the gay rights movement. I keep telling my friend that LGB people are "waking up" to what they're doing.

My friend also treats me as though I'm obsessed. I tell her I AM obsessed. I ask her why other people aren't obsessed. Mass scale grooming / child abuse that society is clapping? Telling little children they're born in the wrong body? Telling effeminate boys they're not man enough for their sex class? Telling masculine girls they need a penis?

People aren't thinking clearly. Too busy with tribalism. It's a bold move but I tell everyone that will listen that the TRAs are the right wing bigots. Not transsexuals but the activists. 1950s sexist stereotypes with a medical pathway? That's conservative to an extreme.

I also ask if people REALLY think that sterilising children will be the right side of history. Sometimes I laugh angrily to show my contempt. Or add, "Once people wake up to what is going on, I think the whole world will be angry at what they are doing to children's healthy bodies. The backlash is coming".

Perhaps show them the money being made? This is capitalism / corporatism, not a grassroots human rights movement.

Rather than show them Matt Walsh (the doc is great but people are "obsessed" that Matt Walsh is right wing and is therefore, literally Satan). Show them Scott Newgent instead?

I keep showing my friend GC Tweets from the amazing James Dreyfus (who she knows and loves). He's also gay so citing him means I can't be called a bigot quite so easily. I think that is making her think twice about what is going on.

There is one key to this, in my opinion: LGB people need to shout from the rooftops and make clear as day this is a nightmarish cult, nothing to do with gay rights.

But don't beat yourself up. They don't want to see it. Always here if you want to rant, only if it helps though. This thing is so isolating! The fever WILL break eventually. It will xx

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