It's the new episode of Queen's speech!, our first of 2023!
- Proper lolz throughout
- Scotland and s.33 / 35 (pre-tonight's announcement)
- Conversion therapy (again)
- Sam Smith getting rinsed
- More lolz
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There is nothing more self-invalidating than for an LGB person to transition. What a cowardly, stupid, and disgusting thing to do b/c you think you will have an easier life or b/c you have so much internalized misogyny and homophobia that you fall for the 'transgender' nonsense, you have been duped. Some doctors are homophobic and sometimes greedy and they fall for fads, remember the lobotomy scandal? Transitioning is 'sex lobotomy.' It is 'gay conversion therapy' wrapped in a progressive package.
When gaining equality LGBs did not bastardize the language or insist on fraudulent, deceptive pronouns or promote hormonal and surgical mutilation of children, teens, and young adults -- or of anyone. LGBs wanted to integrate into society but 'transgenderism' requires deconstructing it and that we all participate in that destruction and deception--and many of us say 'No' we will not participate in this dangerous fiction.
Men and women cannot opt out of their sex class by transitioning --though they can both live a lie. And living a lie is not stunning and brave. There is no respect for someone who is too cowardly to live as his/her authentic self as a lesbian woman or a gay man. Sometimes it is not easy to do but personal integrity and self-respect are what you gain by doing so and in the end that is what matters.
Thanks both! Fantastic episode and dashing hat!